Tuesday, March 31, 2020

English Accent Learning Videos - Why English Is Difficult To Learn

English Accent Learning Videos - Why English Is Difficult To LearnI bet you've heard that there are English accent learning videos that can help you learn to speak like an American, or an Australian. There are also programs that teach you to speak the dialect of New Zealanders, or even French Canadians. Does any of this sound familiar? If so, it's probably because you've ever been to school in a new country and then returned to study in your home country.This is called 'cross-culture immersion' or simply 'cross-exposure'. The reason that these training courses are popular is because people tend to assume that learning a new language is easy. In reality, it's not. To become fluent in one language, or even several, takes months of constant practice.Now, some people, maybe too many people, have wrongly concluded that English isn't very difficult to learn. And they get upset when they learn that they don't speak the language very well.If only all of us could speak English like Shakespear e! However, the truth is that English is a very complex language, and you really need to study it for some time before you feel confident that you can read, write, and speak the language fluently. It's no good just getting an English accent when you first visit Australia.There are many reasons why you may be wondering why English isn't so easy to learn. First, English is a very close relative of our native German. So, because we share so many similarities, it's much easier to pick up German, Dutch, and other European languages, than it is to pick up English. The reasons for this include that these languages all come from Germanic origins, that they tend to be slightly simpler languages, and that they also borrow a lot of vocabulary from each other.Secondly, most Americans tend to be what linguists call 'negative accent speakers', who use their first name or nickname to introduce themselves in conversations. This has led to the belief that Americans use American English, and only Ame rican English. As we all know, this is definitely not true.Another reason why English isn't so easy to learn is that you need to be well prepared before you set out to learn. Having a schedule for the lessons you need to do and the number of hours you need to study is vital. It will also help you to be able to determine how much effort you can put into the lessons, and whether they'll actually stick.There are many websites which offer various English accent learning videos. They may vary in cost, depending on what you're paying for. Make sure that the website you choose offers quality, not just quantity.

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